Elevate the energy around you

With sustainably-sourced Brazilian crystals.
Give an Inspired Gift
Elevate Your Decor
Transform Your Energy
Crystals that honor the earth.

We celebrate the highest quality crystals from direct-to-mine sources. They are handpicked to minimize their environmental impact.

A message from the founder

As a native Brazilian, I was exposed to crystals at an early age. Their ancient origins unlocked a sense of magic within, allowing me to experience a deep sense of bliss and harmony. I knew then I wanted to share this feeling with the world! 

I have traveled extensively, but nothing compares to the energy of Brazil. It’s the lifeblood that circulates across its people, culture, and stunning crystal formations.

Gabra is my way of extending this love and passion for Brazilian crystals to you so you can experience their power and support wherever you are.

Love xoxo
